Feel free to suck on my member-ai

May 22, 2008

Yes, that’s Halcali in that video up there. If you’re clicking on this because you’re a fan of them, let me tell you that this post has nothing to do about them. Clear? Moving on now.

It’s a bit strange that I’m making this post today when the idea was brought up by a friend months ago. My first reaction to the video was the obvious “Yankii dance off?! AWESOME 8D” but when I showed it to TU, he came up with the idea of a fangirl battle. The idea has been stuck to my mind ever since but I never took the time to express it. I’m still amazed at how TU can understand all of it and make up these ideas when the stuff I tell him it’s just mindless ranting. Anyway! Could you imagine it? Fangirls are already rabid enough and with weapons, a massacre would ensue.

Take a moment, imagine yourself walking down the streets with your friends, ready to face off with whoever has a different opinion than you. Okay, I was a bit sarcastic on the last line. But you know what I mean! Don’t you just want to smack some people out of, unjustified, biased anger? Of course, I’m handling this in a purely fictional manner, because even if I’m ‘slightly’ violent and crazy, I wouldn’t want to end up in something like that. I’m a wimp. I rather take a sadistic approach to it. A very distant approach too.

But, hey, I like to think of imaginary scenarios all the time, so let’s say I’d pick a machete. A guy friend of mine always pictures me with an axe, but a machete seems much more appropriate for me. My family had two in my old house as well. Plus, it’s a fairly common thing where I live. It would represent me well, I happen to think they look awesome. XD Juju prefers a bat and a friend of mine, rui would pick an axe. Pfft, I dared to insult Jin’s slutty hips and she was already sharpening the damned thing.

Also, take a moment to imagine the outfits! There’s already enough groups and cliches within fandom, so it’d be kind of cool to picture different outfits for groups and such. As strange as it may seem, the idea came from those pictures of wota wearing all those idol goods. I know I should probably consider it creepy and inappropriate, but sometimes I just like all the fangear. Wouldn’t an Eito Ranger helmet/cap be cute? You could even sew the infinity sign on the back of your pants. Don’t get me started with SuJu, there’s so many personalized stuff you could do that the possibilities would be endless. AHAHA ENDLESS LOVE. *retarded joke*

Actually, while I wrote that cheap attempt of humor I finally remembered the original reason why I intended to write this. Here, click this. It’s that “Hip To Be square” clip from American Psycho. While at the moment I was amused by it.. I couldn’t help but think of all the occasions fans get.. y’know, dangerous. But any intention I had to make this serious was destroyed when I remembered my friend picturing me explaining my fandom to an unsuspecting victim (or hater, maybe?). It happened while I was explaining the reason behind the PV of “The Peace” to him as well. Oh, the coincidence. And in case you’re wondering, I didn’t do anything to him, really.

Since most of you (or at least the few people that take the time to look at the blog) know I’m not eloquent enough to make a thoughtful, deep discussion about the the world of fandom, I’m thinking of making this into more of a mindless, but fun discussion. And hey, the blog needed an update anyway.

Would you pair up with people to ‘defend’ your fandom? Any weapons? Gear? Theme song? Dance-off? Any specific pose? Anything?

6 Responses to “Feel free to suck on my member-ai”

  1. tru said

    HELL YES, I’D PAIR UP WITH SOMEONE TO DEFEND MY DAMN FANDOM. like omg, im not a violent person, but in my head, i can easily imagine a fierce battle of some kind, defending henry and zhou mi. as for details…i cant think of any right now. LATAH.

    AND IT IS STILL HIP TO BE SQUARE (hommagawd, i love that movie, especially that scene LOL)

  2. Soli said

    I’d like to use bombs and all those sorts, but that’s just plainly overused.


    Nuke ’em.

    Oh crap. I still used ‘bombs’. D:

    Which reminds me of what Sharry told me. Cassiopeia and ELFs are bold enough to bring paint and throw it over other idol fans to ruin their group idol shirt or pop their fricken balloons.


  3. avieyal said

    back in the day, i was part of the Unofficial Linkin Park Teenie Killing Army. we didn’t actually kill anyone (boo) but it was fun being all army-ish and invoking powers that we don’t actually have.

    handling horse tranquilizers and machine guns by the pool house. ah. good times.

  4. TU said

    I’d be happy to take videos of the volence and post them on youtube.
    Or sell them on eBay.
    [insert gif of evil Miki cackle here]

  5. Yopotan said

    You’ll drive the car, TU.

  6. TU said

    Be prepared or some pointlessly unsafe getaway driving!

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